J. Ax.

JAX Consulting is lead by Jeffrey Axelrod. In addition, we have a very broad network across financial services and technology that enables us to bring in additional resources as necessary,  who have specialized skills for any particular project.

Jeffrey Axelrod is A shaper of products, projects, and teams, a facilitator of communication between stakeholders, an internal and external evangelist. Practical and delivery-focused, never hesitating to make big decisions that turn great ideas into reality.

A thoughtful and insightful executive at Enterprise B2B companies in the role of CEO, CTO and product architect.

<<< see linkedin, cogency/bsg etc. >>>


Lifelong athlete, from dance to yoga to gyrotonics to cycling and more yoga – focusing now on health as a lifestyle, including physical training, conscious nutrition, helathy sleep, deep family and friend relationships, and stress reduction.

Husband to Arella, sharing an active lifestyle in San Francisco, exploring performing arts, good eats, yoga, and local and remote travels.